Motivated And Competent pride ourselves on being pragmatic, purposeful (no-nonsense and having fun with a serious intent) and really focused on raising people’s performance. This involves changing people’s performance mix; their ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’. So here are some quick, simple tips to implement performance boosting ideas.
They’re all proven ideas which lead to action and results.
- This is simple and obvious: start with the end in mind. Identify what ‘success’ looks like for you. Yet many people work hard to ‘improve’ but have no precise direction or strategy.
- Get better by being true to your ‘why’ (motivation) whilst also improving the ‘how’ (implementation or approach). The test here is to retain focus and either borrow proven successful techniques or creating new, relevant habits.
- Recognise the links between thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Our frequent thoughts crystallise and become our attitudes. Attitudes and beliefs dictate our behaviours and hence impact our performance. It’s noticeable when a coach takes over the leadership of a sports or business team whose results suddenly improve. What’s changed? In so many cases – the attitude is the only thing to have changed. What, for example, made the first four minute mile possible for Sir Roger Bannister? Hard work and belief.
- Attitude is more important in determining success than ability. Attitudes can be changed. Fundamentally attitudes are so often linked with people’s motivation.
- Create a culture of lifelong learning in your organisation which is led by the change continuum.
- Facilitate learning and development opportunities. Genuine ones; and ensure that the learning you facilitate sticks.
- Develop learning not as a one off event but as part of a longer process which properly positions, implements and follows up on learning opportunities.
- Ensure that the learners’ supervisors are enabled and motivated to coach, mentor, support and develop their teams as part of this learning continuum. Ensure that attitudes, skills, competencies are embedded and developed.
- Use the insight that emotions play a major role in both motivation and learning. What are the emotions and attitudes which you want learners to have? And what ones do they have? Consider this before presenting them with learning, growth and change opportunities.
- Effectively deploy the power of coaching to both develop top performers and increase the capabilities of high-potential performers. There are real performance gains to be seen here.
Which is your favourite amongst these 10 no-nonsense great performance tips?
How will you use the insight? What outcomes do you expect from applying it?
Let me know.