Motivated And Competent pride ourselves on being pragmatic, purposeful (no-nonsense and having fun with a serious intent) and really focused on raising people’s performance. This involves changing people’s performance mix; their ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’. So here are some quick, simple tips to implement performance boosting ideas. They’re all proven ideas which lead to action […]
What’s the point of Learning and Development?
How often have you heard the exasperated question: ‘What’s the point of Learning and Development?’ How often have you heard the following quotation trotted out as a put down of trainers, teachers, etc.? “He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.” (George Bernard Shaw, 1903.) Is this perception part of our problem as L&D professionals? […]
The power of self belief
The human body is incredible. It continually amazes us as athletes reach higher levels of achievement. Yet the mind – although less understood – is every bit as impressive, powerful and also drives performance. During May 1954, Roger Bannister ran the first recorded four minute mile. It was a goal which had eluded the best middle […]
Why it’s important to do what you love and love what you do
We’re in the business of working with people to raise their performance; that can mean working to improve skills, knowledge and competencies or it can mean looking at their motivation / attitude. All these things impact on what people achieve. Most of the time we are working with committed, professional people who are determined to […]
The skills behind effective sales, influencing and leadership
In our last blog we examined how in many sales processes the focus is on the seller rather than upon the purchaser, and how the latter make buying decisions. Now we thought we’d turn the attention to how a salesperson (or anyone seeking to influence) ought to behave to ensure they put their customer at […]
What is Leadership and what is Management?
At Motivated And Competent we often work on management and leadership development programmes with organisations that want to develop their people and improve performance. So we thought we’d share a few key points that illustrate the similarities and crossover between the two as well as differentiating the two. Similarities between the two are often […]
Are your team as motivated to win as David was to beat Goliath?
We hear a lot about the importance of motivation; in sports contexts, regarding team building, about sales people and teams, and when we discuss leadership. Well, at Motivated and Competent we know the value of motivated people. One of the key things we do is to help develop motivated teams who can competently and consistently […]
By chance or by design?
Having had the opportunity to spend some precious time with my very young family over the last few months I’ve had an opportunity to think about how this amazing adventure of life unravels. I’ve also thought about how my professional life, striving to help people and organisations achieve the outcomes they want, mirrors the experience […]
Website Launch
We are really excited to launch the new Motivated And Competent web site; register for updates from us or contact us now at if you want to make permanent, positive change. What we are excited about are working with people, and organisations, on the following: leadership programmes management development programmes the purchasing cycle facilitating […]