Goals, Action Plans and Success

We’ve written before about the importance of planning.

Preparation and focus is everything. And this is never truer than when managers are framing Action Plans with their team. It’s no accident that the most successful people set goals. They don’t just dream.

They write down, commit to and review progress against their goals.

Writing down goals, it is said, transforms vague wishes or dreams. It moves them from being hoped for one day into focussed, and sometimes, public statements of intent. Ones we commit to. Focus on. And goals have far more chance of becoming reality than dreams.

Research has confirmed that committing to goal setting exercise by writing Action Plans down, formulating a series of actions to support them, sharing the goals with others and reviewing them frequently and regularly all progressively improve the outcomes of Action Plans.

Compelling proof that Action Planning can be a significant contributor to personal and professional success. It’s the detail behind a personal mission statement. And used properly, Action Planning helps focus us, acknowledge and embed achievement. Action Plans also reinforce the desired behaviours which create good habits and success. It’s your success formula!

So here is a great template for developing and using focussed Action Plans: C S M A R T E R.

C – Challenging – There’s no point in having a goal that doesn’t stretch you or develop you in some way.
S – Specific – State exactly what you want to be able to do.
M – Measure – You need to be able to measure progress and know when you’ve succeeded . So quantify exactly what you’re going to achieve. Revisiting progress can be motivational.
A – Achievable – Your goals should be realistic whilst Challenging (see above) and humanly possible. Little steps are OK too.
R – Relevant – Relevant to you. Desired and motivating to you. Not imposed by someone else. You must be committed to attaining the goal. The goals must be congruent with you and your values. Write your own plans. By all means managers can counsel others as the plan is developed; but the writer must own the Action Plan.
T – Timebound – This provides focus and allows you to measure it’s successful achievement. (See also Specific.)
E – Exciting – If you aren’t motivated is this really relevant to you? (See Relevant above.) Do things which really compel you and to which you’re truly committed.
R – Resources – These could be people or materials or a support network that you need in place.

And remember that having the goals written down (and, if appropriate, on display) will provide a focus and constant reminder of what you want to achieve and keep in mind why you want to do it. That’s going to give you a great chance of success.

Focus, plan, prepare for action, and succeed. We look forward to hearing your success stories!

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