Pandora’s box, ethics and doing the right things right


Whatever part you play in life these days you are potentially doing so in the public spotlight.

A few years ago, before the mass take up of blogging and social networking, who’d have imagined that that there would be so much public comment, over and above the mainstream media, on the following?

  • The departure of one of Britain’s top bankers after serious long term market abuse,
  • The clawing back of bonuses from top disgraced bankers,
  • The public disgrace of the principals at a major news and communications company (along with their relationships with police and politicians),
  • The vetoing of directors’ bonuses,
  • Widespread campaigns and mass actions against companies perceived to be acting unethically in relation to paying of taxes, poor ethics in their supply-chain, etc.
  • Some retail organisations’ treatment of their suppliers in negotiating prices and contracts.
  • Endemic expense abuse amongst MPs.

The list could go on.

The key points to take from such events, which are now forever out of Pandora’s box, are that all organisations and public figures need clarity over their ethics and morals. And they need to ensure that their position is reflected clearly in their actions.

My questions to you and your organisation are:

1. What is your ethical code and how do you communicate it to others?

2. Is your leadership and strategy informed by a clear vision – with resulting values and behaviours?

3. How do you interact with, and affect, the community ? (Every action has an effect.) From your relationship with the environment, to your relationship with your competition, to your approach to paying / mitigating / avoiding taxation, to working to benefit and re-invest in the locations and communities in which you operate – what are your impacts?

4. How do you treat your people? Do you nurture and value them, negotiate with them and with your customers, suppliers, unions?

5. How do you bring your ethics and values to life? And do they act as your USP or differentiate you from others?

6. Are your people motivated to do the right things; every time?

7. Are they competent to do those things right?

8. How do your business and sales processes and your customer interactions align with your values?

9. When did you last reflect upon and evolve your plans for the direction of your organisation?

It matters what we do, how we do it and why we do it (our motivation and intentions). It matters to us that we feel genuinely feel good about ourselves upon self-reflection. It matters to those whose lives we touch that we always treat them with humanity and respect. And, it matters that when our actions are considered they stand up to reasonable scrutiny.

After all, in today’s social media world, once you’ve acted the consequences of those actions are captured, instantly beamed around the world, permanently captured for a vast inter-linked audience and maybe remembered for a long time. News, events and tarnished reputations cannot just be popped back into Pandora’s box.

At Motivated And Competent we have over 25 years experience in business success aligned to doing the right things. And doing them right.

For example, we are very familiar with helping organisations frame and roll out sales processes.

We can help you ensure your people are both motivated and competent to perform the roles your organisation wants them to.

We can help you ensure that your beliefs are communicated appropriately to your world through your actions.

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  1. […] Pandora's box, ethics and doing the right things right […]